Can STIs Cause Erectile Dysfunction in Men?

Can STIs Cause Erectile Dysfunction in Men?
Steve Hinson, PhD - Life Sciences Published : Feb 04, 2024 Last Updated : Feb 07, 2024

If we talk about sexually transmitted infections (STIs), majority of them belong to a group of viral or bacterial infections.

These infections might get contracted through your sexual activity.

Sexually transmitted infections, however, signify sexually transmitted infections which are main distinction between STIs and STDs.

Whereas, STDs are illnesses brought on by viruses or germs that are shared through sexual contact.

What causes erectile dysfunction disorder in men?

Almost 52% of men around world experience some level of erectile dysfunction once in their lifetime.

Some physiological can also make it difficult for a man to attain or sustain an erection when involved in sexual intercourse. 

Men can suffer from erectile dysfunction due to numerous physical reasons, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.

While a number of men also experience erectile dysfunction due to psychological issues like stress, depression, or anxiety.

It is important to note that only some men experience erectile dysfunction as a result of sexually transmitted infections.

Whereas struggling with ED does not mean you essentially have an STD or STI. Make sure you check it with a doctor once.

Nevertheless, there is good news that erectile dysfunction is a common condition and can be treated with different treatments.

Several men wonder whether sexually transmitted infections STIs, sometimes known as STDs can cause erectile dysfunction.

Some STIs like chlamydia, viral hepatitis, untreated HIV, and gonorrhea cause infections in prostate gland.

These infections can further trigger erectile dysfunction in men.

How do STIs cause erectile dysfunction?

In case, you have contracted an STI and having trouble achieving and maintaining an erection then it is due to prostate gland infection.

When it comes to male reproductive system, prostate gland is an important part.

You need to know that prostate is a small gland located at base of your urethra.

It sits internally right below your bladder as well as in front of rectum.

As prostate gland is connected to urethra, it becomes easy for bacterial infections to target.

Bacteria can enter urethra near tip of male sexual organ and function their way across to prostate gland.

Most essential function of prostate gland is to produce a specific fluid that makes up semen.

When mixed with sperm cells from testicles and fluids from other glands, this often makes up semen.

Muscles of your prostate gland also stop urine from being released from male sexual organ during ejaculation.

Once you are infected with an STI, it will enter your body through urethra.

As prostate gland is connected with urethra, it is very rare that your prostate gland becomes infected.

An infected and inflamed prostate gland can make you suffer from pain before, during, and after sexual activity.

All this can also further contribute to causing problems while urinating. This condition is called prostatitis.

It is said that prostatitis is main reason why erectile dysfunction is linked with sexually transmitted infections.

What type of STI can make you suffer from erectile dysfunction?

Each STI is different and has diverse symptoms linked with it.

Two main STIs that cause prostatitis and ED are gonorrhea as well as chlamydia.

Both of these sexually transmitted infections are caused by bacteria, so chance of causing prostatitis is increased.

This happens because bacteria are able to move around your body in a more easy way.

Most bacterial cells move around to push them towards favorable conditions which makes them easy to grow.

Is gonorrhea responsible for causing erectile dysfunction?

In some cases, yes. Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection that spreads in your body via sexual contact.

It is one of those bacterial STDs that can spread to your prostate gland and cause symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

Some common symptoms of gonorrhea in men are stated below:

  • Pain, discomfort, and a burning sensation while urinating
  • White, green, or yellow discharge from male sexual organ
  • Painful or swollen testicles

If you experience any of these symptoms then contact your doctor immediately as Gonorrhea can be treated with antibiotics.

Can chlamydia cause erectile dysfunction?

Chlamydia is an infection that is caused by Bacteria Chlamydia Trachomatis.

Just like other sexually transmitted infections, chlamydia also spread through sexual contact.

However, not all men suffering from chlamydia disorder suffer from symptoms.

Men with symptomatic chlamydia can experience pain or tenderness which affects their testicles.

It is mainly a burning sensation that you experience while urinating or discharge from a male sexual organ or rectum.

Chlamydia has ability to travel to your prostate gland and produce prostatic inflammation, worsening your ED symptoms.

Just like gonorrhea, chlamydia can be treated with right medicine.

Talk with your doctor as soon as possible, if any symptoms of chlamydia are experienced after a sexual activity.

Medicines for erectile dysfunction

After treating STIs, if you still find difficulty in achieving an erection then you need to take ED medicines to improve your erections. 

Medicines like Sildenafil Citrate, Tadalafil, and Levitra belong to PDE5 inhibitors and work by improving blood flow to male genital region.

These medications can help to enhance your sexual performance and make it easy to achieve erections required for satisfying sexual intercourse.

All these prescription drugs are helping men around globe to enjoy their sexual activity and meet their desires.

ED medications can be taken 15 to 60 minutes before planned sexual activity if you wish to enjoy effective & instant results.

Remember sexually transmitted infections can have serious negative effects on your health.

In some cases, they affect your ability to get and maintain hard erections.

So, if you think you have gonorrhea, chlamydia or other STIs then consult a doctor promptly.