How to reverse side effects of antibiotics

How to reverse side effects of antibiotics
Manoj Kumar Published : Feb 03, 2024 Last Updated : Feb 06, 2024

Antibiotics are the most commonly used drugs over the globe that helps with mild to severe symptoms of bacterial infections. When you use an antibiotic, it either kills or inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria. Thus, it helps your natural immune system to fight against the infection and treat your condition. But like other medications, Antibiotics may also cause some side effects and other temporary health issues. Some side effects that antibiotics may commonly cause are diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, yeast infections, allergic reactions and inner ear problems. 

Fortunately, some ways may help you to reduce the risk of side effects while taking antibiotics. Here are 5 simple steps to deal with side effects caused by antibiotic drugs. 

Take Probiotic likeYogurt

When taking antibiotic medicines, it is highly suggested to include yogurt in your diet for good bacteria. Eat yogurt contains live bacterial cultures as it will maintain the levels of good bacteria in the body that can be affected by antibiotics. However, using yogurt can help recover from side effects like diarrhea caused due to antibiotics. 

Yogurt with live cultures are gut-friendly bacteria that protect your intestines. It develops lactic acid that helps your body eliminate bacterial toxins. You can simply eat the yogurt or make a smoothie for a good taste while taking your antibiotics.

Drink hot ginger tea

If you suffer from side effects like diarrhea, nausea or vomiting due to antibiotics, ginger is effective in dealing with such side effects. Fresh ginger contains antibiotic effects, especially against food-borne pathogens. Also, it is effective in respiratory and periodontal infections caused in our bodies. The use of ginger helps to ease stomach and gastrointestinal discomforts like diarrhea, vomiting, etc.

You can simply drink ginger tea up to three times a day to deal with the above-given side effects of antibiotics.

Add Garlic to your diet

Garlic work as a natural antibiotic, and it can kill harmful microbes without the side effects of antibiotics. It contains allicin, a helpful compound that protects your liver and kidney from the potential damage from antibiotics. Adding Garlic to your diet may detox your body from the harmful residue of antibiotic drugs. Also, you may start taking a Supplement of 500 mg after consulting with a doctor. 

Eat bland foods

The most commonly seen side effects of antibiotics are diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. The helpful way to reduce the chances of getting these side effects is by eating only bland food during and after a course of antibiotics. Bland food includes plain bread, white rice and dry crackers etc. 

But if you eat carbohydrate-rich, sugary or spicy food, you might face diarrhea, nausea and vomiting-like side effects. So, to prevent these side effects, you should eat bland food during and after finishing a course of antibiotics. 

Take your antibiotics exactly as prescribed

You may need to take some antibiotics only with water. But there are some antibiotics that you need to take with food to prevent side effects like an upset stomach. When prescribed antibiotics, you should complete the entire course of treatment. Do not stop taking them too early, even if your symptoms disappear. If you stop taking them, there are chances that some bacteria may remain unclear. Further, these bacteria may reinfection you, or also they may gain resistance to antibiotics. 

Some Faqs about antibiotics 

What is the fastest way to recover from antibiotics?

You may heal your Gut after antibiotics use by following these simple ways-

  • Eat probiotic and prebiotic foods
  • Add probiotic supplements to your diet
  • Avoid processed foods and try to eat bland food
  • Do plenty of rest and exercise

What food should you not eat with antibiotics?

You should avoid food that contains high acid content with antibiotics. Food items like citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, tomato, and soda may have a high acid content. While having these high-acid items with antibiotics may affect the absorption of these drugs in your body. 

Is milk OK with antibiotics?

You need to wait at least 3 hours before eating or drinking any dairy products after taking an antibiotic. However, using grapefruit and dietary supplements with calcium may dampen the effects of the antibiotics.